课程 学校领导艺术硕士

课程计划: 35学时


  • educ6622教育法
  • EDUC 5512教育研究导论


  • EDUC 5515教学领导模式与策略
  • EDUC 5532课程发展基础
  • 教学领导实习


  • EDUC 6606学校领导、管理和财务
  • EDUC 6640与家长和社区合作
  • EDUC 5516法律,道德和社区问题实习


  • EDUC 5534评估与学校改善
  • 教育领导
  • EDUC 6643校长实习


  • educ6612教育监督
  • EDUC 6680特殊教育领导
  • EDUC 6623监督实习


  • EDUC 6688硕士综合考试


建造- 5512
本课程是教育研究和描述统计的入门课程. Designed to assist the student in developing competencies in the various methods and strategies of 教育 research, 包括解释和评估当前研究的技能. Research that is conducted by school leaders to assess the effectiveness of the school community in achieving its desired mission (action research) will be an area of emphasis. The expected outcome of this course is that the student will apply research findings and implications in various school settings.

建造- 5515
这门课程是关于人类发展模式的高级研究, 从出生到青春期, 强调学习和教学理论. Candidates will examine effective instructional strategies that include pre-评估 and 评估 tools to determine adequacy of instructional approaches; the components of alternate instructional models, 特别是在课程设计上,以满足特殊学生的需要, 英语学习者, 还有来自不同背景的学生, 在课程中融入多元文化教育. The role of the principal in leading and supporting teachers to implement student-centered instructional strategies is emphasized.

建造- 5516
This course is a structured, field-based experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school. This practicum requires a minimum of 50 clock hours designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for 标准二(提倡), 培养, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth) and 标准4(与家庭和社区成员合作, 回应不同社区的需要和兴趣, 调动社区资源).

建造- 5532
课程发展基础(K-12) (3) (S)
This course examines social and psychological influences upon curricular design and implementation. 教学模型, and their supporting theoretical rationale; barriers to effective implementation of innovative curricula; alignment and systematic evaluation of 教育 curricula and programs will be examined. 重点是理解, 创建, 综合评价, 严格的, 以及连贯的课程和P-12学校教学项目, including the study of the societal forces that affect school curriculum (特别是在课程设计上,以满足特殊学生的需要 还有来自不同背景的学生, 以及如何在课程中融入多元文化教育).

建造- 5534
本课程帮助考生理解和促进学校的持续改进.  考生将研究课程之间的关系, 评估, 以及学校改善计划. 运用批判性思维和解决问题的能力, 考生将学会评估学习者, 检查性能水平, 并分析评估数据,以改进实践,实现学校改进目标.

建造- 6606
This course introduces the basic theories and concepts underlying school building administration with a focus given to cooperative practices and shared decision-making. 本课程强调校长在组织中的作用和责任, 监督, 为建筑层面的项目需求预算教育资金, 推行学生服务, 管理课外项目和活动. Candidates will analyze school-based policies and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff. 重点在于理解, 监控, 评估P-12学校管理, 操作, 财政系统.

建造- 6612
The role and responsibility of the principal in selecting and 监督 personnel at the building level are core content in this course. 领导理论, 变更流程, 评估和发展计划的模型进行了检查和分析. 本课程的主要主题包括员工选择, 取向, 专业发展与评估. 与人员的选择和评估有关的法律概念进行了审查. Emphasis is placed on developing and 监督 the instructional and leadership capacity of personnel in the school community.

建造- 6613
这是在小学、初中或中学进行的结构化的、基于实地的体验. This practicum requires a minimum of 50 clock hours designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for Standard 1 (Facilitating the development, 清晰度, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school and community), 标准二(提倡), 培养, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth), 标准5(诚信行事), 公平, 并以合乎道德的方式).

建造- 6622
Legal rights, duties, and responsibilities of building level leaders are studied in this course. 的政策, 法律, 以及各州制定的法规, 当地的, and federal authorities that affect P-12 schools are examined and candidates analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, 在学校公平和道德. Special topics in this course include basic constitutional issues related to students and school personnel and identifying and applying 法律 concepts and theory to special education, 学生的学科, 学生的权利, 人员实践, 专业的谈判, 以及其他力量, 校长和学校系统的职责和责任问题.

建造- 6623
这是在小学、初中或中学进行的结构化的、基于实地的体验. 这个实习需要在候选人的家乡学校至少30个小时, designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for 标准二(提倡), 培养, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth), 标准4(与家庭和社区成员合作, 回应不同社区的需要和兴趣, 调动社区资源), 标准5(诚信行事, 公平, 并以合乎道德的方式), 标准6(理解, 应对, 并影响更大的政治, social, 经济, 法律, 和文化背景). This final practicum section requires and additional 20 clock hours working with an administrator in a school that is demographically and structurally different than the candidate’s home school.

建造- 6640
This course studies the principal’s role in 创建 and sustaining school communities that support student growth and development. 候选人将了解所有利益相关者的需求和目标, 包括贫困的影响, 缺点, 和资源对P-12学生学习的影响. 候选人将制定一个认可多样性的行动计划, 家庭, 学生的需求, and uses school and community resources to overcome barriers and build strong partnerships with the goal of student learning. Emphasis is on building candidate capacity to build and sustain positive school relationships with families, 护理人员, 以及社区伙伴.

建造- 6642
This course analyzes the skills necessary for effective leadership in interactions with the school, 学校制度, 和社区. Candidates will acquire knowledge and develop an understanding of the decision making process, 创造适当的组织氛围, 个人及职业道德, 小组促进和规划, 沟通技巧, 以及学校与他们所服务的社区的适当参与. 重点放在协作开发,表达,实施. 并支持所有利益相关者共享的学习愿景.

建造- 6643
这是在小学、初中或中学进行的结构化的、基于实地的体验. This practicum requires a minimum of 50 clock hours designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for Standard 1 (Facilitating the development, 清晰度, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school and community), 标准二(提倡), 培养, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth), 标准3(确保组织的管理, 操作, 而资源则为安全, 非常高效。, 和有效的学习环境), 标准4(与家庭和社区成员合作, 回应不同社区的需要和兴趣, 调动社区资源), 标准5(诚信行事, 公平, 并以合乎道德的方式), 标准6(理解, 应对, 并影响更大的政治, social, 经济, 法律, 和文化背景).

建造- 6680
考生将了解教学内容, 法律, 教育, social, and emotional needs of students who qualify for services under IDEA to make instructional and resource decisions that promote their rights. Candidates will examine the 法律 context for supporting special education services in schools; identify instructional support processes and systems that benefit all learners; and examine and identify methods of providing supportive, 公平的, 文化的反应, 和包容的学校文化(KSDE标准3). 

建造- 6688